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Welcome to my Nagios project page. I'm not a developer, but I do try to help out with HP-UX plugins compiles, patches, and OpenBSD-specific issues. Please note, any of the material here comes with NO WARRANTY, and is a use-it-at-your-own-risk sort of thing.
All patches have been created with 'diff -u original-file modified-file' from within the main Nagios directory.
These tarballs and depots are OLD VERSIONS. I built them while I had a GNU-ized build environment set up at work. I no longer have that environment, so these releases are out-of-date. If this is not a huge deal for you, great. If this is an issue, go a-googling now, because I CANNOT BUILD YOU NEW VERSIONS.
Pre-compiled plugins, etc (NOTE: If you have ANY questions or problems with the following items, be sure to ask me first, BEFORE asking any of the Nagios mailing lists. These binaries are not provided by any of the core team):
  • Nagios plugins pre-compiled for HP-UX 11.00 on PA-RISC 1.1. These were built from the nagios-plugins-1.3.1 source release.
  • Nagios plugins pre-compiled for HP-UX 10.20 on PA-RISC 1.1. These were built from the nagios-plugins-1.3.1 source release.
  • Nagios ALPHA plugins pre-compiled for HP-UX 11.00 on PA-RISC 1.1. These are ALPHA plugins, compiled from 1.4.0-alpha3 source.
  • Nagios ALPHA plugins pre-compiled for HP-UX 10.20 on PA-RISC 1.1. These are ALPHA plugins, compiled from 1.4.0-alpha3 source.
  • NRPE depot for HP-UX 11i. This is NRPE v2.0, and it installs into /opt/nrpe. I had to disable SSL support to get this sucker to build.
  • NRPE depot for HP-UX 11.00 on a RISC 1.1 platform. This is NRPE v2.0, and it installs into /opt/nrpe. This version also has SSL support disabled, and has command options enabled.
  • NRPE v1.8 depot for HP-UX 11.00. This installs into /opt/nrpe.
  • NRPE v1.8 depot for HP-UX 10.20. This installs into /opt/nrpe.
  • Nagios plugins pre-compiled for HP-UX 11i. These were built from the nagios-plugins-200211131100 source release.
There are plugins snapshots availible also - the developers would like help testing them (they also may solve a problem you might be having). They can be found here.
If you have suggestions, corrections, or just wanted to tell me how much my stuff sucks, please contact me. Once again, I'm not a developer, so any of this may be horribly bad.

Problems, broken links, and/or complaints? Let webbugs know.