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Photos. I took around a billion pictures this time, unlike our first trip. In fact, I think I was close to 1300 photos by the time I was done. I trimmed some of them out, and got rid of some duplicates, but I still have well over 1000.
Please be patient - with that many photos to go through, I will be releasing them in batches. If a link isn't clickable, that's on purpose. Be patient, and a link will magically appear eventually.
Oct 9 - Departure 1 Oct 10 - Berlin, Germany 1
Oct 11 - Berlin, Germany 1 2 Oct 12 - Berlin/Prague 1 2
Oct 13 - Prague, Czech Republic 1 2 3 4 5 6 Oct 14 - Prague/Salzburg 1
Oct 15 - Salzburg, Austria 1 2 3 4 5 Oct 16 - Salzburg/Munich 1
Oct 17 - Munich, Germany 1 2 Oct 18 - Munich, Germany 1 2 3 4 5 6
Oct 19 - Munich/Rothenburg Oct 20 - Rothenburg/Luxemburg City
Oct 21 - Luxemburg City/Frankfurt Oct 22 - Frankfurt/departure
Nard's travels

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