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October 18th, part IV - The Nazi concentration camp at Dachau, Germany.

The barracks at the Dachau concentration camp
Where barrack #10 used to stand at the Dachau concentration camp
Where barrack #16 used to stand, along with western guard tower at Dachau

Two of the barracks foundations.

In the third picture, a guard tower can be seen behind the barrack #16 foundation. The tower was along the western fence line.

Looking out over the foundations of the barracks that have since been removed. The sight of the foundations was almost more unsettling than I would have imagined the actual buildings would have been.

In the first picture, you can barely see the Jewish memorial at the north end of the barracks area.

The guard tower seen in these photos stood on the eastern fence line. The last picture shows the easternmost of the two remaining barracks buildings.

Looking over the barracks foundations at Dachau
Looking over the barracks foundations at Dachau
Looking over the barracks foundations at Dachau

The Christian memorial at the Dachau concentration camp
The Christian memorial at the Dachau concentration camp

There was a Christian memorial to the concentration camp victims at the northern end of the camp road.

The Jewish memorial was to the east of the Christian one, partially sunk into the ground. A stone ramp lead down into it, with railings that looked like barbed wire on either side (the second picture).

Inside the dome were several plaques and things I didn't understand... I didn't go inside, it was a place of reverence and I didn't belong.

The Jewish memorial at the Dachau concentration camp
The railings on either side of the stone ramp looked like barbed wire

The plaque to the left of the gate into the Jewish memorial at Dachau
The plaque to the right of the gate at the Jewish memorial at Dachau
The inside of the Jewish memorial, from the gate

The first two pictures are of the plaques to the left and right of the gate at the Jewish memorial. They were on the sides of the ramp, below the barbed-wire railings.

The third photograph is of the inside of the dome. I stood right at the gate to take this picture, I didn't really feel right going inside.

Two more pictures of guard towers.

The first is one of the guard towers along the eastern fence. It was odd to see trucks driving behind the wall, the tops of their brightly-colored trailers showing above the fence.

The second photograph is of the guard tower that was at the very northern end of the camp road. There is an active convent right outside the wall - and one of the entrances was through this guard tower. There were signs asking visitors to please remain silent, as the convent was active.

One of the eastern guard towers at the Dachau concentration camp
There was an active convent outside of the northern camp wall at Dachau

Two visitors walking among the barracks foundations at Dachau

Another view of the barracks foundations. These visitors were walking west of the camp road. The barracks visible beyond them was the one closest to the camp gate.

A section of the perimeter fence had been preserved and partially recreated in the northwest corner of the camp.

Note the multi-layered approach - ditch, tanglefoot barbed wire, and the electrified fence itself.

The perimeter fence at the Dachau concentration camp
The perimeter fence at Dachau
The perimeter fence at Dachau

The multi-layered perimeter fence at the Dachau concentration camp
The perimeter fence at Dachau
The perimeter fence at Dachau
The perimeter fence at Dachau

More detailed pictures of the perimeter fence.

In the second picture, you can see one of the guard towers along the western fence line.

In the third and fourth pictures, you can see just how serious the Nazis were about keeping their prisoners inside the fences. In the third photograph, you can clearly see the barbed wire at the base of the fence arranged in a tanglefoot pattern. This was designed to trip a hopeful escapee up and ensure they could not get a run at the fence. Many prisoners were shot here.

In the fourth picture, you can see the cables used to electrify the perimeter fence itself.

<-- Oct 18th, part III   Oct 18th, part V -->

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