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Washington, DC. We took this trip between June 28th and July 7th, 2002. In summary: DC is a beautiful place to visit, but I'm not sure I'd want to live there. The traffic is rough, and it takes a lot of time to just plain get around. Mind you, I don't mind cities, etc, but I think I prefer smaller ones (I really miss living in Kansas City and Des Moines). All in all, it was an awesome trip.
We did some typical "touristy" type things, as well as just kicked back and relaxed. We stayed with a friend, so that helped out a bunch. With the traffic congestion, the Metro was a godsend. We simply drove to the nearest Metro station, and hopped on the train. Getting to all of the popular tourist spots became easy, if not a little time-consuming. All in all, I'd much rather ride the Metro than fight with traffic and parking.
Enough of my blathering - on with the pictures. For your viewing convenience, I have scanned two types of images - large and small. The large ones can be over half a megabyte, while most of the small ones are 100k or smaller. It all depends on your bandwidth and your stubborness - if you're on a modem connection, it's time to upgrade if it's possible in your area.
LARGE images SMALL images

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